Saturday, 12 December 2009




我记得,小时候,母亲是个爱书人,每每书展,她总会买很多书给我和弟弟。其中不乏伟人传记,依稀记得,那是一系列的伟人传记 – 牛顿、聂耳、连达尔文在内等等的许多名人(现在不太记得全部)。虽然每本传记大约只有100页左右,每当一有空闲时间,我即会随手拿起一本阅读,这使我进入了阅读狂热症。进一步的,接触了更多的具有共产思想的书籍……

达尔文对我来说,既是遥远,也是深不可测的一位人物。小学至初中的课本完全没有触及,就连高中选读的生物学,一样忽略了这位人物的贡献。死板的,但是最直接的传授教育的方式 – 硬硬的背起专有名词,因为老师说“If you write this way, you will get higher mark.”。对我来说,考试后会遗忘的教育方式其实我们并没真正得到什么,我记得我fail了这科。


英国自然历史博物馆拥有世界各地动植物和岩石矿物等标本约4000万,其中古生物化石标本 700多万号,图书馆有书刊50万种,并保存着大量早期的自然研究手稿和图画等珍贵品。全馆有20间大陈列厅,内容包括古生物、矿物、植物、动物、生态和人类等 。中央大厅为现代生命科学陈列厅,用立体景观、展柜介绍进化论和人类学知识。1 层右翼各陈列厅展示古生物化石标本,它展出有鱼龙,蛇颈龙,5米高的霸王龙,体态极小的新颌龙,尾翼达17米的翼龙以及完整的始祖鸟骨骼等;左翼各陈列厅 展出现代动物,包括海洋无颈椎动物,鱼类,鸟类及爬行动物。其中以鸟类的陈列最为出色。2层左侧展出哺乳动物,其中较精采的是非洲热带草原动物和澳大利亚 有袋动物的陈列;右侧陈列矿物、岩石、宝石,大理石并有专室陈列陨石。3 层是现代植物和化石植物的陈列。

查尔斯. 罗伯特. 达尔文(Charles Robert Darwin)1809-1882。一位英国著名的生物学家、博物学家,达尔文早期因地质学研究而著名,而后又提出科学证据,证明所有生物物种是由少数共同祖先,经过长时间的自然选择过程后演化而成。到了1930年代,达尔文的理论成为对演化机制的主要诠释,并成为现代演化思想的基础,在科学上可对生物多样性进行一致且合理的解释,是现今生物学的基石。


它的透明,闪闪发亮,让从未见过钻石的我很吃惊,Blood Diamond就是这样来的。
“Iziit everything in the show room is original? Like the diamonds, izzit true one?”
“Most of them is true”


A Royal Gift

The Murchison snuffbox Gold, Diamonds and enamel Russia, 1867

Sir Roderick Murchison, the Director General of the British Geological Survey, compliled the first geological map of the Ural Mountains in Russia, in 1841. It identified Russia’s rich mineral deposits – a source of great potential wealth for the country. The Russian Tsar Alexander II thanked Murchison by giving him this diamond-studded snuff box. You can see the Tsar’s portrait on the front.


Aurora Collection

This stunning array of 296 naturally colored diamonds has taken more than 25 years to collect. It shows the full range of colors in which diamonds can be found.

Under ultraviolet light you can see another, hidden quality. The diamonds glow, showing colors quite different from the ones you see in normal light.

For the owners, the collection represents the natural beauty of the Earth. It is named after the aurora borealis, the dramatic colored light displays that sometimes illuminate the sky in the northern hemisphere. Aurora was also the Roman goddess of dawn, symbolizing hope for a new beginning. The owners want the collection to be looked at as a work of art, inspiring you to value its beauty and to protect our shared natural heritage for the future.

号称世界上最大的树木 - 美国巨杉。英文名字有很多,但是最常的叫法是Redwood,生长于California海岸。当人和它比起来,显得多么的微小,此树桐在地球上生长了1300年,据知它的寿命能达到2700年,高130米或以上。有机会的话,我要去靠近San Francisco的Redwood National Park参观参观。嘿嘿


我一直没想过,儿时看过的故事中的主人翁出现在我的面前,Mary Anning是我童年里记忆最深刻的其中一则故事: 发现海龙!

Fossils Woman

Some of the finest fossils in this gallery were found by Marry Anning (1799-1847) of Lyme Regis, Dorset. At the age of 11, she discovered a complete ichthyosaur skeleton in the Blue Lias rocks of Charmouth beach. Fossils-hunting became a life-long passion, and Mary Anning earned respect from collectors and scientists alike. Sadly, the “Fossil Woman” of Lyme Regis died of cancer at the age of 47.

Fossilized ichthyosaur and plesiosaurs, preserved in Lower of Middle Jurassic rocks, have been found in many sites in southern England. Mary Anning is thought to be the first person to discover complete ichthyosaurs and plesiosaur skeletons, and her remarkable fossils are still studies by scientists today.

参观了两个小时的博物馆,此时我也累了。博物馆外的旋转木马依然为小孩的童年旋转着,我已超龄,不再有童年,更无法为自己的童年记载上乘坐旋转木马的记忆。但是,我却开始自童年以来的最向往的旅程。跟达尔文说Hello之后,接下来,我来到了幼稚园时候学唱的London Bridge is Falling Down这首童谣的出处。


yam said...


Yuri said...
